Railway office

An impressive structure worthy of a mansion houses the offices of Indian Railways in Mysore

Waste management

Municipal garbage collection in Mysore, despite the talk about mechanising and modernising it, relies on the human touch for the last-mile link.

At K R Circle

An apple cart caught up in pedestrian traffic at K R Circle, Mysore


They made a pretty picture from afar – a dog and his best friends.

When I tried to get a close-up the fellow came down to drive me away, at the Maharaja College grounds.

Cows parade

A morning scene on Dewan’s Rd.


Mysore Railway station.  The advt. on the lamp-post violates the spirit of the law the govt.  enacts to protect/preserve the city’s heritage sites.


Rising water level at Kukkrahalli has washed closer to the shore sewage water flowing into the lake,  raising the stench level close to unbearable, for joggers around the lake.

Deity on road

This man has set up a virtual temple on his push-cart, and takes it round Dhanavantri Rd., for the benefit of  pavement traders and street vendors who start work so early that they are pressed for time to visit a temple.

A line-up

At a shop front on Devaraja Urs Rd, during festive season in Mysore.

Cucumber seller

Push-cart salesman on Dewan’s Rd pauses to make a sale, and pose for my camera.  Cucumber is on our daily menu. Can knock off a plateful , mid-morning – Elevenish – when you feel like a munch between breakfast and lunch.